Ayron and I had our appointment to have our picture taken for the church directory. Just by having our picture taken we get a free 8x10 and a free directory. We sat and looked at our proofs and then listened to the
speal the lady had about the different packages and what not. We were curious, so we asked. Just to have 3 additional 5 x 7's retouched was going to be $100! I tried not to act shocked, and we graciously said "No thank you." Was my shock uncalled for? Am I a cheapskate?
no way, we only got the free 8 x 10 as well.
Olan Mills is an expensive as they come. i wouldn't buy photos from them if they were the only place on the planet.
sears is way cheaper.
Olan Mills ONLY makes money from those who have their photographs taken for church directories. That's their entire business. They go to churches for free(the church pays nothing), give everybody a directory for free, and even give you that nice complementary photograph. They are hoping that after these people see their pictures they will want to buy. On top of that, the prints that they DO are a higher quality print than what many other places would do. Something about the paper/canvas they use. Olan Mills tends to make more money from liturgical and catholic churches, and old widows who like to leave eerie photos of themselves for their family. Now, whether or not the photographer does a good job is another story.
one last thing. you got a complementary photo and a free directory, subtract what you think those would cost from what an additional photo would be.
@ Chet - I understand that is how they make their money, but I was still shocked. Like Nathan said, I could go to Sears and get a whole package for cheaper than what it would cost for 3 5 x 7's from Olan Mills.
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