So I've made a New Year's Resolution. I know, I know, it's a little late in the year. I've decided to do better by myself. I mean, take better care of myself and take time for myself. I've recently gotten back into doing puzzles and scrap booking. My goal is to make time for myself at least 3 times a week to work on something I enjoy. I decided that when Ayron plays playstation, I'll work on my puzzles or scrapbook. I've also decided to start walking more. I walk all over up here at work since all of my offices are spread out, but at home, I have become vegetative. I've decided to get out and actually walk the dog. He needs to walk and so do I. I had been taking him on short walks because he was so little and his stubby legs wore out quickly. Last night he and I walked from out house down to McIntyre. Not a long way for a normal human. But in the frigid cold, with no hat, and asthmat was good for me. Once it begins to warm up more, I want to take walks in the morning as well. I've decided that I'll start out at our house, and walk down to McIntyre, then turn around and walk up to 7th street, then turn around and come home. That should make a nice walk, and if I do that twice a day, hopefully my energy level will go up. I'd love to join gym, but money is tight, and right now so is time. I figure that once it gets nice enough out, I'll even walk on my lunch breaks.
I'm also going to start eating healthier. If you see me out, and I'm not eating healthy, feel free to point it out to me. I'm also cutting back on portions. I've been doing that for some time now, and I'm finally to the point where I'm not hungry all the time. I've stopped drinking pop, and have taken up the fine art of water, lots and lots of water. Which means, I've also taken up the fine art of constantly walking to the bathroom.
Hopefully I'll start to feel better soon and I'll be able to lose the winter weight I've put on and then some.
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