Monday, November 26, 2007

Friday Night Funnies

We spent Friday night hanging out at a friends house enjoying each other's company. A group of us sat around talking, playing "Catch Phrase" and "Trivial Pursuit: Pop Culture." Here are some funny saying from Friday night.

L: It's what you get at a Mexican restaurant.
N: *cough, cough* "I'm not contagious, it's allergies."
T: Yumm...Lung Butter!!!
N: Waterloo doesn't have a mayor since we are a town. We have a town council of 5 people.
C: Oh, so you're like 1/5 mayor! I'd make a shirt that says that!
T: Bodily waste
A: Poo!
T: The liquid kind..
C&A: DIARRHEA!! (the correct answer was urine)
The question had something to do with a certain musician (can't remember the name) who played what entire album in Berlin in 1990. The question was asked of the girls during Trival Pursuit. All of the girls sat around stumped and were about to give up (we had been on a roll answer correct answer after correct answer) when it came to previous involvement with a guy who was obsessed with Pink Floyd.....THE WALL!! The guys moaned and our answering streak continued.

It was a fun time! To bad the boys ended up winning. I challenge them to a rematch at the next Quest.


Anonymous said...

Go girls!!!! :)

Carma said...

Kelly had a great save with the "Family Ties" answer too!