Wednesday, March 19, 2008

No One Told...

Taylor that I like things to be early or at least on time.

We had another doctor's visit yesterday. They were concerned with my health and wouldn't even let me walk to the lab. They brought the lab to me. I had some blood drawn, and some other work done (not pleasant to recall). They told me they would call back in the afternoon and set up a time for me to come in to be induced that evening.

I'm still pregnant. Apparently my labs contradicted what my body signs were, so they decided against it. It was an emotional blow, I'm not going to lie. I cried for an hour. I just want to have him here. People kept telling us, "Well, enjoy the peace and quiet, you're life will never be the same." I know that. We didn't go into this whole experience thinking things would ever be the same. It's just really frustrating. I know people are trying to be comforting, but why won't more people be say things like, "THAT SUCKS!" We all know we are thinking it, so why doesn't anyone say it? Not like you're going to offend me.

I go back in on Friday for more tests and hopefully by then they will induce or he'll decide to come on his own. I thought he was going to come on his own last night at Ayron's soccer game, but after I decided, "Ok, if this doesn't calm down/stop by 11, I'll page the doctor." I fell asleep at 10:30 and did manage to sleep through the night. They are concerned because I don't feel the contractions. Actually, the only reason I know I'm having one now is because I tired to scoot closer to my desk and felt my rock hard tummy hit the desk.

So I've been doing a lot of thinking about "natural" inducing techniques and here are my thoughts.

Intercourse: Isn't that how we got in this situation in the first place?

Spicy Food: Doesn't help. I tried it Saturday night with Erin and as far as I know, we are both still pregnant. Heck, I didn't even get heartburn.

Bean and Bacon Soup: My mom swears that two cans of the soup made with milk will do the trick. Mom thought the soup gave her gas, nope, out came my sister. My dad reminded me, "Yes but the arrival of your sister was preceded by hours of your mother vomiting up the soup." I'm not that desperate yet.

Walking: Doesn't work for me. I started using long walks as a way to slowly get into shape before we conceived. While they are great for tuckering Scooter out, they don't do much for me.

EPO (Evening Prim Rose Oil): I've been on it for almost a month now. It does a great job at softening your cervix, but it's not going to sent me into labor.

Caster Oil: I always picture motor oil, I don't know why. I have people that swear by this, but I'm a bit skeptical. It's just a natural laxative. Maybe having diarrhea from taking it will stimulate your stomach muscles into contractions??

Massage: I am seriously looking into this one. I know there are pressure points and there are several people in my area that are certified in pre-natal massage so I might just try to schedule an appointment for tomorrow.

I'm sure there are many more out there, but these are the one's people keep bringing up to me. Hopefully Taylor decides to come on his own, and soon.


Anonymous said...


Seriously, I have heard good things about Castrol GTX. ERR, no, I mean, Castor Oil. You should drink some...

Anonymous said...

There are probably a few people, at least one, that would have blatently said "That sucks" if you had not been ignoring them

Anonymous said...

Dang, lips, that was snarky. Perhaps I don't know the whole story, but now is NOT the time to be pulling my sister's chain, m'kay?

Carma said...

Wow, I don't even know who you are "lipsomine" and I apologize if I do actually know you and haven't kept in touch with you. The least you could do would be to contact me. I'm a bit preoccupied right now and things slip my mind.