You can see the black eye he gave himself. Labor was complicated because he had a hold of his cord and had his hand up by his face, causing him to get stuck and his heart rate to drop. The black eye went away within hours and he no longer looks like an alien child. He looks very much like Ayron did at 3 weeks old.
Proud daddy and child.

Taylor Josiah Reeves
7lbs 14 1/2 ounces
21 1/2 inches long
Nickname(s): TJ or Tater Monkey. TJ after Ayron's grandfather. Tater Monkey came about because he has freakishly long toes and we started calling him a monkey. Aunt Natalee decided to call him Tater, we combined the two and now we call him Tater Monkey.
Here are some pictures that Natalee took right after the delivery.
1 comment:
Hooray! He's just beautiful! Congrats!
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