Thursday, February 07, 2008

Are Your Bags Packed Yet?

My aunt asked me that question about a week and a half ago. At the time I was about 7 weeks away from my due date.

"Um, no?" And I'm still not packed. I am not sure what to bring. I am not afraid to admit my ignorance about this. I've never given birth before, I don't know what to bring. I can guess on some of the essentials. Slippers, night gowns, deoderant, shower stuff, etc. But I am wondering what I should bring that people normally forget.

My mom asked me the other day if my bag was packed (I don't know if she was serious or joking since she knew her sister had already asked me) and now I'm feeling guilty that it's not. What if I suddenly go into labor? I think I know why I am procrastinating. We already have enough stuff to get done (we are hopefully finishing the nursery this week) that I keep pushing the "bag packing" back. Plus, I live like 2 blocks from the hospital and my mom lives one block. If I don't have something, it's not like it will take forever to run and get it.

If any mom's (or dad's) have advice on what to pack, feel free to offer it now!

I was chatting this morning with an "ex" (it's a long story) who's wife has recently had a child. I asked him, "What's something out of the ordinary I should pack?" His answer. Swim trunks for Ayron! I was curious, is there a giant swimming pool I don't know about? He said that when his wife was in labor that had her sit on a birthing ball in the shower and had him spray her back with water. He said he wore his swim trunks. What a novel idea! I never would have thought about that! So swim trunks it is.

I promise I am going to start packing my bag this weekend. I know all of the basic tolietries but now I have to dig through our packed away summer clothes to find Ayron's swim trunks...see "ex's" can be helpful!


Pepper said...

I think you are supposed to take a hair dryer. Not that I am an expert by any means, I just know that in all of the movies that I have seen where people give birth, you always see the man rushing around to pack teh bag while the lady walks to the car doing breathing exercises and he ALWAYS grabs a hair dryer...

todd helmkamp said...

Man, am I glad Pepper mentioned the hair dryer! I would never have known I was supposed to pack that...

Seriously, though, ask Bethany. I have no clue what she's packed already. I know she packed two warm outfits to bring the baby home in.

Anonymous said...

Love you dear niece! I'll email you later. PLEASE take my advice because you never know what could happen. I learned that the hard way, and was used as my childbirth educator's example for at least a year. "THE AUNT!" :-)