Friday, February 22, 2008

I'm an aunt (again)

Sad update (2/25): I learned that one of the goats passed away this weekend. They were in the process of switching from bottle to feed and although they followed the feed instructions, it was too much for the little goat. McKenna was heart broken but she will be getting another one in two weeks.


I have three nieces on my husbands side of the family. Ranging in age from 12-4. The four year old is hilarious. Getting to her question takes some story telling so hang in there.

My nieces have become active in 4-H. The family now runs a small rabbit farm and they travel to shows with their prize winning rabbits (sounds funny doesn't it). Well, having done rabbits for two years, they wanted to try something a little more challenging. Enter in my 3 new nieces/newphews. All three girls now have goats. I am not sure what the gender of the goats are, but I do know they are goats. The older two girls' goats are still being bottle fed while my little niece's goat never nursed, it just took right to grain. Marisa is facinated with the bottle feeding and began asking questions.

They explained that when babies are born, they need their mommy to feed them. They showed her pictures of her being bottle fed, etc. Slowly putting two and two together she asked if I would feed Taylor. She was told yes, that I would be able to feed Taylor and maybe she could too.

She is still a little unclear about the basics of child making (fine by me) so her logic at times is hysterical. She is slowly getting the concept that Taylor is in "Aunt Marma's tummy" and he'll come out around Easter time. She thinks I am keeping him in there so that he can't meet her. We have to constantly reassure her that she will be able to see Taylor once he is here and we are not hiding him from her. Her little mind started going.

She wandered up to her dad and point blank asked him, "Do we all have little people inside of us?" Confused, he asked for clarification. She simply replied, "Little people. Do we all have them inside of us." My brother-in-law thought she was referring to the tv show "Little People Big World." He was still unsure where her question was going to lead so he called his wife into the room and had Marisa ask Mom. After some prying they got their explination. Marisa wondered if we all had little people inside of us and once we hit a certain point the little people would come out (apparently this is her theory on how babies are made). They happily let her believe that. After they were satisfied with the discussion Marisa asked one final question. "Do the little people push our poo out?" Completely caught of guard, they again had to ask for clarification. "Well when R had her baby in her tummy she went potty all the time and Marma goes potty all the time. Do the little people push our poo out for us?" Their answer, "No, your body does that on it's own."

She's still not convinced. So according to her I am hiding my child from her because I don't want him to met her and he is currently living in my tummy pushing poo out until around the time the Easter bunny shows up. I can't wait for this girl to hit kindergarden!


Anonymous said...

OMG that is too funny!! It's a good thing someone is writing this stuff down! Wouldn't you love to read some of the crazy stuff you thought when you were a kid from the perspective of someone who was an adult at the time and who thought you were hysterical? So many of these funny little exchanges get forgotten over time.

Pepper said...

THat little girl is hilarious!! I can actually visualize her saying that!! Too funny!