Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Torn (part II)

Yesterday was a bad day. The weather was horrible. I had planned on staying home and working from my couch. No such luck. I was called to testify on a case (previously mentioned in "Torn.").

Knowing that the weather was bad, I awoke super early. I managed to get myself looking like a human in the only dress outfit that still "fits." Being a county employee, khakis don't cut it in court. I was forced to wear heals. HEALS people, in the snow and ice!

I made the white knuckle drive to work. The interstate was just lovely, let me tell you. I hurried at pulled my reports and rehearsed my testimony. Every so gently skated (remember, I'm in heals) to the court house at 8:45. The case was to begin at 9. No one was around. Finally the judge walked out and asked me, "What are you doing here?" To which I replied, "I thought we had a 9 am date?"

Turns out the transport from Muncie decided not to run yesterday. They didn't bother to call the judge until 8:50 to say they weren't going to bring the juvenile up. Nothing like planning ahead people. So I turned around and white knuckle drove back home.

I neatly folded my outfit and placed it in a safe spot for Friday morning instead......GRRRR. Oh well, the life of a government employee is never boring (?).

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