Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ready, Set, Wait.....

It's now a waiting game. The nursery is completely finished. I went home early yesterday and finished washing the baby clothes and putting them away. We got the rocking chair all set and in place, the night table, etc. It looks so darn stinking cute! I've taken some pictures, but I haven't taken the time to load them into the computer.

Ayron helped me slightly rearrange (if you count shifting everything on one wall 3 feet to the left) our bedroom. Ayron's dad brought over the cradle he and my brother in law built and it is GORGEOUS! I took some pictures, but I haven't taken the time to load those either. I don't know why, but I really wanted a hand made cradle for some reason. I think it's because I know that if my grandfather were around he would have made one. This way there is a new family heirloom and two people (plus some nieces) were involved in building it.

So now it's a waiting game. Everything is set, so now I sit. It's hard because we all know patience is a virtue I lack. I have a ton when it comes to students, but in my own life, I am lacking. I've prayed for more patience (that is a double edged sword) so for now, here I sit and wait and watch the clock.

My nieces are really experiencing birth. My middle niece became the proud mother to 10 New Zealand bunnies yesterday. Their goat (Banana) had her baby about a week ago. Being that it was the goat's first kid, some assistance was needed and my nieces were allowed to watch. They now wonder why my youngest niece (see some previous posts about her theories on birth and babies) is afraid to come see me when I go into the hospital. She is afraid that there will be several people in my room pulling a baby out of my "end" (she thinks that's where they come out). This whole experience has been a nightmare for her. After all in her world, babies only take 6 weeks to get here (rabbit breeding time) and then 3 adults have to help pull the baby out (goat birthing), and then her daddy will put a band around Taylor's boy parts so that Taylor can't make babies (goats). Once Taylor is a little bit bigger, her mommy will tattoo Taylor's name and registration number inside Taylor's ear (rabbits). Oh the stories this child will tell when she hits kindergarten.


todd helmkamp said...

Oh my word, that poor little girl! I can't stop laughing, though!

Anonymous said...

Wait'll she starts asking how the baby gets in there in the *first* place! LOL!