Thursday, May 17, 2007


Growing up we usually have at least one person we look up to. We not only look up to them and make them our role model, but some people might even idolize them. So what happens when you grow up and realize that person you've admired all your life is just that, a person? Growing up we know they are people (in the biological way) but we tend to idolize them. We put them on a pedestal and think they can do no wrong.

But then we grow up and we realize that they are just humans and they falter like everyone else. So why am I so disappointed at my person. I know she is a human, I know she makes mistakes. So am I upset because she made a mistake or at the fact of what the mistake entailed? Or am I simply upset because I realize that I am now and adult who is capable of realizing the faults in people? Maybe I secretly long for my childhood when my person was my "idol."

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