Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Weekend Part I

Our weekend was so eventful that I've decided to break it up into two posts.

On Saturday I woke up with a huge migraine and was forced to stay flat on my back. I attempted to stand up a couple of times to get the phone only to reawaken and find myself laying on the living room floor. I manged to get some meds in me and was feeling ok by the time Ayron got home. That is when the fun began.

We had decided to replace our sewer line. We have had some problems in the past and we finally had the time and money available to fix it. Tom and Phil (my dad and brother) were nice enough to lend their time to our cause. The spent Saturday morning digging a trench in my front yard. We were told by a company that our sewer line was old clay tile and all of it should be replaced when we fixed the broken connection to the city sewer. So, they started digging up by the house and made a large trench out to the street. After the trench was dug and the sewer line was exposed, they discovered that the whole sewer line was in fact the new pipe and that they only really needed to dig a hole big enough to fix the broken connection.

We had asked that Josh come over to assist in the matter. Being an employee of another company in the area, I had confidence, as did Ayron, in his ability. After a couple of attempts to cut the broken connection away, the guys gave up and Ayron decided to go get a concrete saw from work. I was feeling good enough to be outside and the dog and I were watching the boys play in dirty. Ayron is holding the concrete saw and very carefully cutting off the broken end of the connection when all of the sudden, water starts spraying EVERYWHERE!!! It turns out that when the city ran all of the lines for our house they had decided to lay the water line just underneath the sewer line. Ayron didn't even know it was there and he nicked it with the concrete saw. We had water everywhere. They eventually were able to dig out the shut off valve (which meant more digging in my yard) and shut it off. This took some time. By the time it got shut off, the front yard is a mud pit. Ayron and Josh are down in the whole, up to their elbows in mud. Insert funny mental picture here. Ayron and Josh are both in the hole. For Ayron the hole was about waist deep, for Josh, it was more like chest deep. By the time they were done digging up the shut off valve it looked like I had one giant mud monster and his little sidekick playing in my front yard. They were finally able to get everything fixed and started to refill the unnecessary trench. Keep in mind that the front yard is now ready for a mud wrestling tournament. Josh is in the excavator filling the whole when the right track of the excavator finds its way into the muddy trench. With some persuasion, they were able to get it unstuck.

So now my front yard is all torn up. I don't know how many people have stopped by, pointed at the yard and said, "Looks like that was fun!" The sheriff even came over and had a laugh about cutting the water line. Thank God that it is now done and thank God for Josh and his knowledge and work connections.

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