Have you ever fought off getting sick only to make yourself sicker? I am doing that this morning.
I woke up feeling fine, got around, dropped T. Monk off at the babysitter and came into work. Once I started checking emails and returning calls I started to feel like crap. The more I told myself, "You feel fine. You're not sick, you can't be sick." the sicker I feel.
Normally I would cave and go home, but today is the first Wednesday of the month which means I will be in a huge meeting around lunch time. I am the one who gets all the food around (I know, if I'm sick I should be handling food) and gets everything set up, etc. I am sure I could pass that task off onto someone else, but I hate doing that. I don't want someone to think I can't do my job.
The couch in my office is looking more and more inviting. I might just end up taking a nap before this meeting and then leaving early. I left early yesterday though for an appointment, grrrr. I AM NOT GETTING SICK!!
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