Monday, October 27, 2008

I Give Up!!

So about 30 minutes ago, I put my lunch in the microwave. I brought a package of stuffed shells. I was careful to set the microwave on half power (like the directions indicated). I set the timer and went back to work. When the timer went off, my hungry tummy lead me to the kitchen. I burnt my lunch! In the microwave no less. I even followed directions. I was disappointed, but I remembered I had an extra "Michelina's" meal in the freezer.

I vented the corner, and put it in the microwave for 3 1/2 minutes, according to the directions. Back to work I went. When I went to the microwave I discovered I burnt my back up lunch! At least I have a pudding and applesauce cup left of my lunch. I won't burn those!

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