Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cool Thought

My grandparents(my mom's parents) would have been married 60 years today. Unfortunately they have both passed.

That is a cool thought for me. In a world where marriage is taken so lightly and divorce is used way too much, it is cool to think that they would have made it to 60 had health issues not stepped in.

Ayron and I have been married for 3 1/2 years now and that number astounds me, I can't imagine how I'll feel when we make it to 60. That will be July 2, 2055. That seems so far away!


Recently I have blogged about a student I have been having issues with. It has been a smooth couple of days, until this morning. Homework was not done nor was his homework letter signed. According to the contract I made him sign, I can legally kick him out. I hesitate to do so. I called his probation officer and we have worked out a plan and she is coming over to see if he laughs at her like he did at me this morning when we talked about everything. In my conversation with his probation officer I learned that he is ADD, yet his mom refuses to medicate him.

I get that, as a parent, that is your choice, but don't act all confused when the issue you refuse to acknowledge is the reason he has been having so many problems at school. Change his diet if you don't want to go the pharmaceutical route. Help him learn how to manage and cope with is problem, don't pretend it doesn't exist. We can court order a parent to medicate, but only if it is a life threatening situation, ADD is not, so we are stuck.

It looks like his days here are numbered and as much as I hate to ruin a family's holiday, I can't help this kid if the parents aren't willing to help me help him. Does that make sense? The homework letter says, "Do not sign till you have seen ALL the completed work." It is signed even if the doesn't do one lick of homework.

I know that these types of blogs may not be the most thrilling thing, but it helps me try to think through the situation. Did I miss something? Could we try another route? Etc. I think we have tried every path and every tactic with this student and until he cares, nothing will matter. It's sad, but sometimes true.

After lunch I decided to talk to the student one last time. I looked at him and said, "I give up." He was confused. I said, "I don't know what I can do to make you want to work and finish 7th grade. Your probation officer doesn't know, the school doesn't know, none of us do. Unless you can come up with a good reason why I should continue to waste my time planning and coping work you won't do, I give up. I hate to say it, but I give up. I don't know what you need or want from me. You have to tell me." His response, "I dunno." I told him that I was giving him till 3 to prove he wanted to be here and not repeat the 7th grade. If he hadn't completed his work or proved to me by then that he wanted to stay, he would be removed from YIP. It is currently break time and he is opting to work through his break. He has been plugging away and seriously making an effort (which makes me wonder...lazy or ADD or a combo?). He is asking questions and doing research and coming to ask me a question now.

15 minutes later...

We just did 35 math problems! He worked them straight through and didn't complain! It's sad, but I think tell him "I give up." helped.

Bored at Work

Stolen from an email that was forwarded to me. Since the students are here yet, thought I'd kill some time by actually answering the questions.

Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Who needs that stuff? Just tie the Wal-mart bag shut!

2. Real tree or Artificial? What tree? We don't have a tree. No place for one and we have a dog that would eat it!

3. When do you put up the tree? See #3 answer
4. When do you take the tree down? See #3 answer
5. Do you like eggnog? Depends, is it "adult" egg nog or kid friendly?

6. Favorite gift received as a child? My real life baby doll
7. Hardest person to buy for? Dads
8. Easiest person to buy for? Taylor. He would be happy with a cardboard box!
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Working on it. I want the Willow Tree one.
10. Mail or Email Xmas cards? I mailed some once, like 5 years ago...does that count?

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Underwear
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? "You'll shoot your eye out!"
13.When do you start shopping for Christmas? About 2 weeks before the holiday.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yep. Work smarter, not harder.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? deep fried turkey

16. Lights on the tree? only white. I don't like colored lights.

17. Favorite Christmas song? Harass me later, but Hanson does a collage of several songs that is cool.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?a little of both
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Umm....I've never tried...hang on......yep.

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? See answer to #3. If I had a tree, angel.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? 1 on Christmas Eve. Natty always opened batteries...hahahaha. She'd be so mad. "That's not fair. I get to open another one!"

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? How hard it is to coordinate family schedules to fit it all in. Gotten harder since we all have little ones now.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? I don't have a favorite, but I like looking at the ones I made in pre-school.
24. Gifts this year? Simple and small. We are more about spending time as a family then the presents. If only my three nieces understood that concept.

2 Hour Delay

Like some people, I went into education to have my summers off! I also enjoy the occasional snow day. I woke up this morning to discover I had a two hour delay. I wasn't that excited. Since my "school" doesn't start till 10, 2 hour delays don't mess with our schedule. I had the panicked phone call from a parent, "What do we do?" I had to explain, "We don't start till 10 any way!"

As I sat eating my frosted mini wheats I kept watching the scrolling schools on the bottom of the screen. I became a kid again. "Please let them close!" I wanted to stay home and do laundry of all things! I gave up and headed into work around 8:15. The highway wasn't great, but it wasn't THAT bad either.

The teacher in me says, "Good, we are still on track with our days." The student in me pouts, "But I wanted a snow day!"

Monday, November 24, 2008

Only Me

I have a lot of stupid things happen to me. I have just come to accept it.

This morning I slid through an intersection on my way to get gas. Thank God, no one was coming and all is well. I ran into the Angola Wal-Mart and bought conditioner, then drove over to the Murphy USA Gas Station ($1.57 a gallon!) where I filled up my car for $21!!

I came to work, shoveled the side walk, and went through my usual morning routine. I decided Applebees sounded good for lunch so I called and placed my order. I was getting around to go pick up my food when I realized I couldn't find my debit card. I tore apart my purse, checked coat and clothing pockets. I went though the car, retraced my steps, I did it all. I even went and dug through the snow I shoveled. Nothing. I called the gas station, "No one has turned in a card." I checked our account balance on line, nothing had been bought, so I knew it wasn't being used. I knew if I called and cancelled my card I would immediately find it, so I hesitated. I decided to check the car one last time.

I bent at the waist to check under the car and something hit me on the head. I looked at the ground and there was my debit card! Sitting up in the tree was Squirrelo, our pet squirrel. See, Squirrelo won't leave. We have tried. His favorite activity is torturing us. He likes to throw things at the back door on drop them on people. He is a rolly polly thing and we have tried to chase him off several times, he fights back!

Part of me thought, "That stupid squirrel stole my debit card." Then I realized that my card fell out of the hood of my coat. I have no clue how it got into the hood of my coat, but I think that sounds a little better than "Squirrelo stole it!"

Friday, November 21, 2008

View From My Window

I was busily typing away at my desk when I caught something out of the corner of my eye. By the time I opened my phone (to catch it on video) it had decreased greatly. This is what I saw.

At one point, I couldn't see the cars parked in the parking lot across the street. Now it just looks like I am in a snow globe that is settling down.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see snow, it is November 21 and I do live in Indiana. Every year I am surprised by the snow. It's such a hypnotizing, yet terrifying thing to watch.

And now, as I am ready to hit the "publish post" button, the snow has stopped. Silly Indiana weather!


I just watched the video on my computer screen and realized, you can't really tell it was snowing. I guess that is due to several factors: The screen on the window, poor video quality (it was my phone) and the fact that I was to lazy and warm to actually go outside and capture the video "in the moment."


In my line of work I get a lot of excuses.

"I couldn't do my homework because I don't have a computer at home." - That's great, it was a math worksheet, you didn't need a computer.

"I tested positive because I was in a car when people were claim baking." - A) That is not smart. B.) You will only test positive if you smoke the weed, so you smoked the weed.

"I didn't know I couldn't smoke in the bathroom." - You are a 6th grader, you can't smoke anywhere, let alone a school bathroom.

The latest is the best. I was helping do some filing at the office. A parent of a former child had been written up. They tested positive for meth. Their excuse? "I took Sudafed and drank 3 Monster drinks and that's why I tested positive." No, you tested positive for meth because you took meth!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Grocery Shopping

I hate grocery shopping. I used to love it, now I hate it. It is a pain! In an attempt to squelch my disdain, I have become more organized. I have a coupon according folder with each tab/slot containing different types of coupons (frozen, dairy, baby, toiletries, etc). I make a very organized (according to store lay out) list. Each * next to an item equals one coupon.

Well, it's been a month since we last went grocery shopping and a lot of the staples are disappearing and since tomorrow is payday, I thought I'd tackle the grocery list today. I decided to clip the Kroger ad and take those clips to Wal-Mart. Well, on a whim I called Wal-Mart. They won't take the cut out if the cut out has a picture of the Kroger card with it. They consider that another store coupon and they don't honor those. Ok....I'll go to Kroger. So I called Kroger. They don't accept store cut outs from anyplace. Arg! How am I supposed to save money people!?

What happened to the time of double and triple coupons? Oh those were the days! I was a cashier at Scott's during that time and I hated it. It meant more work for me. As a consumer, I miss those days!

Drive Time

I have a 30 minute commute to work each day. The morning drive allows me to think and prepare for the day. Knowing that I have a pretty calm day today (although when I say that, it is never calm) I was "sight seeing" on my drive to work. I was marveling at the trees, nature, etc when Creed's song Arms Wide Open came on the radio. The song talks about a man who just learned his wife was pregnant and he begins to pray. The song got me thinking. How can someone look at nature and all that it encompasses and childbirth and not believe in a higher power?

I often wondered the same thing when I was pregnant. Knowing what my body was doing and how I didn't have to think "Ok cells, divide. Ok heart, make your chambers." It just happened. How can someone know that and not believe?

Sure there are a lot of bad things in their world, but I feel everything happens for a reason and having one bad thing happen is not a reason to try to ignore that there is a God who is watching out for us.

I guess I just don't see how people can't believe.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What Is Indiana All About?!

I have a friend who is coming home for Thanksgiving and bringing his girlfriend with him. They will be in Auburn for a whole week. I asked him, "You told her there isn't anything to do in Auburn right?" He said he warned her about our lack of entertainment. So what is there to do in Northeast Indiana?

1.) WWII Museum- It's interesting, but if you're not a car or war fan, you could easily pass.

2.) ACD Museum- It is cool to look at old cars, but it's not like you get to drive them around.

3.) Sechler's Pickle Factory- I know the local elementary school kids get to take a tour, but part of me wants to see what it's all about too.

4.) Glenbrook Mall- I guess it's not that impressive to me because that is really the only "mall" I have known.

5.) Satek Winery- I don't drink wine, but it might be cool if you do.

6.) Fremont Outlet Mall- If you ask me, it has steadily gone down hill.

So, what do you suggest he take his girlfriend to see while they are home. I suggested the family dairy farm, but she doesn't strike me as a dairy farm type gal!

Monkey at Work

Yesterday I brought Monkey to work with me. It is exhausting to bring him, but I didn't have another choice. The morning went smoothly and he napped like normal. In the afternoon, gears changed and he refused to sleep, he refused to even play. He wanted to be held. Needless to say, getting work done in the afternoon was difficult.

When I pulled in the driveway yesterday afternoon, I found Taylor like this.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Clean House

I give up! For the past 7 months I have been pulling my hair out trying to keep a clean house. I give up. If you come and visit me and think, "Man! Look at that pile of dishes!" or "Why is the laundry still on the drying rack? It's dry." I'm sorry.

It was easy to get everything done and have dinner on the table by 5:30 when I was on maternity leave. Working full time and taking care of Taylor complicates that. I have decided to spend my afternoon time (all of 45 minutes) from when I get home till Ayron gets home playing with Taylor and Scooter instead of frantically cleaning my house like the cleaning inspector is coming to visit. I used to freak out if one dish was in the sink. Not anymore. This morning BOTH sides of the sink were full of dishes! I would normally run home, unload the dishwasher, then reload it. Then i would move on to vacuuming up the spare dog hair (which is EVERYWHERE) and then laundry. NOT TODAY! I am going to go home and read a book with Taylor.

My priorities are changing. I will clean the house, don't get wrong, but I am not going to stress myself out if the dishes aren't done and the house isn't spotless by 5pm.

Christmas Tree

I "stole" these pictures from an email sent to be from Kelly. I am trying to get my boss and co-worker to save their pop cans so we can build one here at work. Although, they both drink diet mt. dew, so should our tree be skinner?

Happy Birthday

Today is Mickey Mouse's Birthday 80th birthday!

Monday, November 17, 2008

He Doesn't Care

I have a new student who started this morning. He is a middle school student who is in the 7th grade. He doesn't care. That is apparent. When I interviewed the family last week it was apparent. I don't know what made me think his attitude would change upon starting the program this morning (I still have hope, I am not as jaded as some may think).

He is upset because when I looked through his books I found various assignments that were not complete or quizzes he had failed because he turned them in blank. Needless to say, I added those to his daily assignments for today.

Since arriving at 10 am this morning he had completed the following: 20 math problems, a 10 problem math quiz, read 1 page of his novel.

This student is intelligent, he can easily do the work, he just doesn't want to. I will not sit right next to him and do the work for him. That does nothing.

As I sit here eating my fake Oreos (see previous post: I know Todd, they suck!) I have to wonder what brought him to this point? Does he not understand (I have told him several times) that if he fails here, he will be held back and all of his friends will move on and he'll repeat the 7th grade. Does he think that sounds fun? He won't answer me, just gives me a blank stare.

It's not like the work is hard. Part of an assignment he didn't do, but I am making him redo is labeling the western states. That's it. How hard is that? Would take him all of 30 seconds if he cared.

I wasn't an exceptional student, but I cared. I am not sure why I cared. I think I was afraid of disappointing my parents and my teachers. Do students not care about that today? I know we are all motivated by different things, but what if nothing motivates them? How can I make them see the path they are headed down is not fun. I have my older students (if they want) share their experiences in lock up and the justice system as a type of "scare" tactic for the younger ones. Usually it works, with this kid, he'd probably just shrug his shoulders.

So now I get to call his mother at work and explain my rationale and state that I am giving him one more day to prove he wants to be here (technically he doesn't have to be here, he chose to be here) or I will remove him from the program. I am not going to waste my time planning his work when he won't do it. I have better things to do with my time. I can devote my attention to a student who actually wants to work!

Monkey Madness

For those of you who don't have facebook (I think that's just Kelly!), here is a link to the Monkey Album I just updated. The first pictures you have probably seen, but the rest are new!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Brand Name vs. Store Brand

I usually buy the store brand (if there is an option). Even with coupons, 9 times out of 10, the store brand will still be cheaper. I do miss the day's of double and triple coupons, but I have a feeling those day's won't be back.

The last time we went grocery shopping we went to Aldi's and bought a bunch of stuff to stock the house for awhile. I needed baking supplies and things you don't normally buy on your weekly trips to the store (or however often you go).

I have discovered some things that I just can't eat the store brand of.

1.) Mac and Cheese- I'm sorry. It has to be Kraft. I have done the cheap kind and it's just gross.

2.) Nacho Chips- Doritos people, there is nothing like them. I just tried the Aldi's brand with my gross sandwich (see previous post) and they were worse than my sandwich.

3.) Cool Whip- Depending on the recipe. The store brand "melts" faster so it won't hold a shape or stay firm in certain dessert recipes.

Ok, well apparently I can only think of 3 things right now...but I know there are more!

Sucky Sandwhich

This morning I packed myself a sandwich for lunch. I discovered we were all out of grape jelly. So I made a peanut butter and strawberry preserve sandwich. It sucks. There is just nothing like a good ole pb and GRAPE jelly sandwich.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Give Taylor 11 Years...He'll Get There

I found this article on wane.com

7 feet tall at 12 years old

Brenden Adams says he's just a kid

He's 12 years old and seven feet tall. Seven feet and three inches to be exact.
Brenden Adams had all of his teeth at four months old. At age four, he was the size of an eight-year-old. And when he was 10, he was the size of Michael Jordan. He towers over his classmates. Adams has a problem with one of his chromosomes that helps regulate growth and development. As such, his bones and organs grow at an incredible rate, meaning frequent trips to the hospital. He's had a brain tumor, a bleeding disorder and surgery to remove 12 extra teeth. Doctors hope they can make him stop growing by bringing on puberty early. They've given him testosterone injections and so far they're working. As far as they can tell, Adams has stopped growing. Still, despite his height, Adams says, at heart, he's just a kid and loves riding his custom-made bike.

I hope they get his condition figured out. But I am guessing that Taylor will be the only 6 foot kindergartner!

Not Ready

I currently have a female student doing a Child Development class. We have talked in the past about having kids, etc. She has always said, "Maybe one day, but I am not ready now." She is plugging away at the course work and doing a good job (she averages high "B's"). Today I was reading an essay answer and the question asked her to describe some games you could play with a 6 month old that would allow for parent/child bonding time. Her answer, "Fetch."

Yeah, I'd say she's not ready!

Stupid Tree

We have a lovely lot. It has several trees that those trees are wonderful....all except one of them. On the back corner of our lot we have a huge oak tree. It is gorgeous, but it has problems. It is old. It has been struck by lightening a couple of times, but it manages to live. It lives right next to our power lines.

Monday afternoon I pulled in the driveway and attempted to open the garage door with my opener. Nothing. Irritated, I thought, "Did I pay the utilities?" I knew I had, so I angrily dug out my keys and went in the front door. I looked out the back window and saw that there was a large city truck with a bucket lift in my backyard. After about 45 minutes, we had power. They were trimming up some branches because our stupid oak tree decided to shed some limbs on the power line and kill the power.

Later Monday night we realized that our furnace was not working properly. We called Josh, our favorite repair man, and he tried to walk Ayron through some things, but nothing seemed to work. He said he would come on Tuesday (I had already planned to take the day off) to look at it. Ayron went to Wal-Mart and bought a small space heater to keep Taylor's room warm.

Tuesday came and so did my favorite repair man. After about 30 minutes he figured it out and pieced it all together. When the power had gone off, the furnace had been running. The furnace then decided to shut off part of its operations to keep gas from leaking in. We simply needed to hit a nicely hidden reset button.

As Josh and I were talking, I saw the city trucks pull in the back yard (the back of our property butts up to an access drive). They began trimming up more branches. I told Josh how I have called several times to have that tree taken down and all they ever do is trim the branches. He went outside and pretended to be the home owner. Low and behold, they listened to a man and agreed to cut down the tree AND leave the wood! They mulched up the brush but left the rest. There is till half of the trunk in place, but they will probably be back today to finish cutting it down.

Now I have a furnace that works, a tree that will kill the power no longer, and Josh and Kelly have a crap load of wood for their soon to arrive (I hope) wood stove!

Happy Thought

Taylor is talking up a storm lately. He loves to talk to the dog. The other day I discovered that he likes to talk to our door. I left him alone and hid out of sight. I discovered he was talking to the object above our door. We have a wooden sign that is inscribed (Jesus is the unseen guest at every meal....etc). That sign was given to me by my grandfather for my wedding.

Those of you who know me know that my grandfather passed away a couple years before my wedding. My mom bought me that sign and said it was from my grandfather. He was a carpenter and loved to work with wood. I also got a blue stone cross from my grandmother (she passed while my mother was pregnant with me and I am her namesake).

After watching him talk to the sign for awhile I shrugged it off. When Ayron came home I told him how Taylor had begun talking to no one. He wasn't just babbling. I truly think he feels he is carrying on a conversation with someone. He will talk, the pause like he is listening/waiting for a response. I told Ayron how he is always talking to the sign above the door. Ayron offered me a simple explanation: "Maybe he is talking to Grandpa Eaton."

It made me wonder, does Taylor "see" grandpa? It was a comforting thought that made me tear up. Grandpa passed way to early. He was too full of life. He didn't go without a fight, but in the end the strokes got the better of him. So now when I see Taylor talking to no one, I like to think that Grandpa and Taylor are talking about going for a motorcycle ride.


This month will mark the 7th year anniversary of Grandpa's passing. I do believe that our loved ones who have gone before us are watching out with us and always with us. There are time when I swear I can feel them and hear them. I will never forget that funeral. It was the COOLEST funeral I have ever attended.

My grandpa was a big Goldwing fan. He was always riding his bike and he loved it. He passed away right before Thanksgiving (I can't remember the exact date). He was a member of the CMA and the week before everyone had their bikes winterized. They all decided that the best way to honor Grandpa was to ride their bikes to the church and to the cemetery. Everyone pulled their bikes out of storage and got them "de-winterized."

I'm sure that to an outsider seeing people in jeans, cowboy boots, and leather chaps was shocking, especially at a funeral. To us, it was amazing! I know he loved it. You should have heard the roar when they all started their bikes and lead the funeral procession to the cemetery.

I also remember sitting in the car at the cemetery. None of the family got out of the car right away. Why would we? There was a Michigan St. vs. Purdue football game on the radio and it was the fourth quarter. I don't remember who won, but I do remember laughing and thinking that Grandpa would have loved it.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Proof that Josh has held Taylor. It's a bit blurry, but it is proof. So there you have it everyone, Josh will hold a "baby."


Yesterday morning I had the house to myself (well Scooter was there) so I decided to go through Taylor's clothes and pack up what didn't fit. I then went to Wal-Mart to look for a couple of things he needed. I started really looking at the tags and the weight and height suggestions on them. According to the tags, my child is in 12 or 18 month clothes. The only problem is the pants don't fit. He is a long child, but he has a LONG torso. I did manage to find some shirts on clearance that I got him for $2 a piece. I kept finding myself wandering back to the cute baby onesie type outfits. I finally realized that our days of cute one piece outfits are over.

There were three outfits I couldn't bring myself to pack up, so I took them to my mom and she cut off the legs and hemmed the edges and BAM, he now has three long sleeved shirts! Two of those outfits we bought last month and he outgrew them that fast.

I guess this is what I get for marrying a giant. Taylor is 7 1/2 months and 29 inches long. He weighs 21 lbs. That goat's milk really helped him pack on the pounds!

I have to wonder IF (don't go reading into this) we have another child and it is a girl will she be a beast like her brother? I hope not!

The Beginning of the End

So I have a friend who is blogging (over several posts) about how she met her now husband. It got me thinking, "I wonder if I can remember all of my story." I have always wanted a daughter to tell the story too. Don't get be wrong I love Taylor and I am ecstatic we had a boy, but I think most women want a relationship with their daughters where they can discuss how "mom and dad" came to be.

In an attempt to test my memory, I have decided to see if I can document our (Ayron and I) meeting.

I started working at Scott's the summer before my senior year. That was THE place to work. There was a nice mix of DeKalb and Eastside students. We got along and soon were one big family. One night I was working and I had that annoying customer. You know, the one with a cut out (back when they did cutouts) and coupons for EVERYTHING, and a full cart to boot. I was one of the fastest and most accurate cashiers, but I secretly hated those customers. There were several other lanes open and I was dealing with the customer and her pickiness when I noticed a green giant (he had an Eastside jacket) in my lane. I thought, "What the heck dude? Why wait, go through Jen's line." But he waited. When I was finally able to ring up his order I must have gave him a funny glance. He had 2 gallons of milk and about 5 different cereals. He felt the need to tell me, "My parents are out of town." I thought, "Lovely, loser who can't cook."

After I had rang up his items, all the other cashiers started talking to him and asking when he was coming back to work. I ignored the chatter and went about my business. After he left, I looked at Jen and said, "So who's the moron who can't cook?" Jen looked at me and laughed, "Um your boss." I learned that his name was Ayron and he had graduated from Eastside and he took the summers off from Scott's to work for the family business.

When Ayron started back up at Scott's, I hated him. I thought he was always picking on me. Having me go do bathroom checks and bring in carts. Hello? Didn't he know I was a cashier, not a bagger? I always accused him of favoring the Eastside cashiers and frankly I wanted nothing to do with him. In November a former "fling" of mine returned home and I was happy to reestablish that relationship (it didn't work, THANK GOD).

By the time the end of December rolled around I had had enough of Auburn and was ready to split. School was pointless and I was getting sick of the small town views of some people. One night at work I was talking with Jen and we had decided we were going to take off, at least for the weekend. She had some extra cash and a car and we were set to just drive. I told her I would be back at the end of her shift and we could head out. She told me, "I have a feeling something is going to change, just call me here at 10." She knew something I didn't.

Rocking at Grandmas

My mom loves to play with Taylor. She is upset when she isn't needed to babysit on Tuesday or Thursday's. She has recently taught him a cool "trick" during their time together. Ayron and I caught him doing it last night and mom said, "Oh, that? He started doing that last week." Ayron and I tried to get it on video (via our phones) and this is a clip of what we were able to catch. It is very funny to watch in real life. If he knows you are watching him he will stop!

The rocking chair he is sitting in is OLD. It was a Christmas present given to my mom when she was 2 or 3. I remember falling asleep in it once when I was younger and my sister putting a suction cup basketball hoop to my head. It stayed on my whole nap. The only problem was the perfectly round hickey it left for a week! Thanks Nat.

Weekend Fun

So this weekend I worked the November Classic at the KRUSE Auction Park. I worked in a ticket booth and it was cold! I was all alone for 8 hours and you tend to get a bit bored. I did managed to read a couple magazines and a book. I also managed to sing most of Les Miserable to my empty folding chair!

This is the scooter I drove Friday night. It is a three wheeled contraption that is crazy to drive! Ayron about wrecked his into the back of mine. They wanted me to drive mine on to the block, but I politely passed. I would have wrecked it. The owner of the scooter drove it up for me! He had five of them to sell, but I don't think any of them did.

This is a video tour of my ticket shack. It is a tribute to my friend Kym who has given us two video and one picture tour of her home in Florida. Well, you may have 70 degree weather down there Kym, but I got you beat, I have/had 2 folding chairs!

I was supposed to help drive the Shelby Mustangs across the block, but some moron stole the keys and caused a huge mess. It ended up taking the whole weekend to get new keys made, etc. I so badly wanted to drive that car. It was black and gold to boot! BOILER UP!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Work Work, All Day Long...

We have been talking to our students about volunteering and doing some community service without it being court ordered. Today we had the perfect opportunity. There was a pile of leaves by the courthouse that needed moved. We grabbed our rakes and away we went. The kids were having fun just being outside (I have one on home detention so fresh air was fun for him!).

We were trying to get the kids to play in the leaves, but they wouldn't.....my staff however....did.

I wish you could have seen the kids faces. Legally, I couldn't post them, so I had to crop them out. They have the biggest shocked faces in the world. Suzanne has now spent about an hour picking leaf bits out of her hair and her pants!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween Pictures

We didn't take Taylor trick-or-treating. What's the point? He is seven months old! We did get a costume. We played dress up and took pictures. We ended up going to Applebee's with Ayron's parents.