Thursday, November 20, 2008

Grocery Shopping

I hate grocery shopping. I used to love it, now I hate it. It is a pain! In an attempt to squelch my disdain, I have become more organized. I have a coupon according folder with each tab/slot containing different types of coupons (frozen, dairy, baby, toiletries, etc). I make a very organized (according to store lay out) list. Each * next to an item equals one coupon.

Well, it's been a month since we last went grocery shopping and a lot of the staples are disappearing and since tomorrow is payday, I thought I'd tackle the grocery list today. I decided to clip the Kroger ad and take those clips to Wal-Mart. Well, on a whim I called Wal-Mart. They won't take the cut out if the cut out has a picture of the Kroger card with it. They consider that another store coupon and they don't honor those. Ok....I'll go to Kroger. So I called Kroger. They don't accept store cut outs from anyplace. Arg! How am I supposed to save money people!?

What happened to the time of double and triple coupons? Oh those were the days! I was a cashier at Scott's during that time and I hated it. It meant more work for me. As a consumer, I miss those days!


todd helmkamp said...

You should talk to Bethany. I'm not sure how she does it, but she gets Walmart to take tons of stuff. I'm not allowed to do the shopping because I come home with $45 worth of junk food and without the stuff for meals. :)

Carma said...

I plan out a dinner menu for the month and make my list according to that. This way I don't buy something that sits in the cupboard and never gets eaten, everything has its purpose. I don't let Ayron go alone either. He'd come home with Oreos, cereal, and milk and call it done.

Anonymous said...

I love to grocery shop (don't like the paying for it part though), but, like Ayron & Todd, I tend to come home with a lot of junk food. But at least I know it's stuff I like!