Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Stupid Tree

We have a lovely lot. It has several trees that those trees are wonderful....all except one of them. On the back corner of our lot we have a huge oak tree. It is gorgeous, but it has problems. It is old. It has been struck by lightening a couple of times, but it manages to live. It lives right next to our power lines.

Monday afternoon I pulled in the driveway and attempted to open the garage door with my opener. Nothing. Irritated, I thought, "Did I pay the utilities?" I knew I had, so I angrily dug out my keys and went in the front door. I looked out the back window and saw that there was a large city truck with a bucket lift in my backyard. After about 45 minutes, we had power. They were trimming up some branches because our stupid oak tree decided to shed some limbs on the power line and kill the power.

Later Monday night we realized that our furnace was not working properly. We called Josh, our favorite repair man, and he tried to walk Ayron through some things, but nothing seemed to work. He said he would come on Tuesday (I had already planned to take the day off) to look at it. Ayron went to Wal-Mart and bought a small space heater to keep Taylor's room warm.

Tuesday came and so did my favorite repair man. After about 30 minutes he figured it out and pieced it all together. When the power had gone off, the furnace had been running. The furnace then decided to shut off part of its operations to keep gas from leaking in. We simply needed to hit a nicely hidden reset button.

As Josh and I were talking, I saw the city trucks pull in the back yard (the back of our property butts up to an access drive). They began trimming up more branches. I told Josh how I have called several times to have that tree taken down and all they ever do is trim the branches. He went outside and pretended to be the home owner. Low and behold, they listened to a man and agreed to cut down the tree AND leave the wood! They mulched up the brush but left the rest. There is till half of the trunk in place, but they will probably be back today to finish cutting it down.

Now I have a furnace that works, a tree that will kill the power no longer, and Josh and Kelly have a crap load of wood for their soon to arrive (I hope) wood stove!

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