Monday, September 29, 2008

Child Stickers

** I know that I thought about blogging about this in the past, but I don't think I actually did. If I did, ignore this post. I will blame the memory relapse on lack of sleep due to a teething 6 month old.

After Taylor was born we decided we were going to put a "Tot Finder" sticker on his bedroom windows. I am paranoid about fire. It scares me. I have all the respect for my brother in law (Phil) and other fire fighters who rush into fires. THANK GOD FOR THEM!

So we decided to ask Phil about where to get a sticker. They don't make them anymore and they recommend you take them off your child's bedroom windows. Wanna know why? Child abductions. The stickers tell those perverts what room to go to. I think it is so sad that our society has gotten so far down the tubes that perverts use fire safety stickers to abduct children. If you have these stickers on your windows, please remove them. Instead, we were told to put reflective stickers on Taylor's bedroom door. One in the middle of the door and three across the bottom of the door.

I know those stickers might clash with your decor, but seriously, I'd rather it clash with my decor (wait, do I even have decor?) than have a firefighter unable to find my child.

I also thought having a fire plan was kind of cheesy, but now being a parent of a child and a dog I realized that I had no clue what we would do if the house caught on fire. I had a horrible dream and woke up one night and made Ayron help me figure out a plan. I get Taylor and the diaper bag, Ayron grabs the leash and Scooter and we meet in the Sheriff's driveway (I live in very safe neighborhood!).

I know it sounds corny, but still, it gave me piece of mind.


todd helmkamp said...

I don't think it's corny at all. I have contingency plans for just about every situation, from fires to break-ins to the collapse of modern society.

Kym said...

ME EITHER...I think its great that you have a plan :) You're a mommy you are allowed :D hahaha

I love you!