Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Communication Skills

I have to wonder how now having free unlimited texting has effected my communication skills. I used to love talking on the phone, now I hate it. I have to do so many phone calls for work that by the time I get home, I usually just put my phone on vibrate and ignore it.

I was raised without a cell phone and I do remember the days before text messaging, but what about the generation of kids that have grown up with a cell phone attached to their hands. Do they have different communication skills than the rest of us?

There are many people I hardly actually talk to on the phone, but I text message all day. It doesn't mean I like them any less, but texting is easier. I can send the message when I have time and I can respond when I have a spare moment. Has my use of texting messed with my verbal communication skills? Personally, I don't think it has, but I do wonder about the younger generations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a good ?