Friday, November 14, 2008

Brand Name vs. Store Brand

I usually buy the store brand (if there is an option). Even with coupons, 9 times out of 10, the store brand will still be cheaper. I do miss the day's of double and triple coupons, but I have a feeling those day's won't be back.

The last time we went grocery shopping we went to Aldi's and bought a bunch of stuff to stock the house for awhile. I needed baking supplies and things you don't normally buy on your weekly trips to the store (or however often you go).

I have discovered some things that I just can't eat the store brand of.

1.) Mac and Cheese- I'm sorry. It has to be Kraft. I have done the cheap kind and it's just gross.

2.) Nacho Chips- Doritos people, there is nothing like them. I just tried the Aldi's brand with my gross sandwich (see previous post) and they were worse than my sandwich.

3.) Cool Whip- Depending on the recipe. The store brand "melts" faster so it won't hold a shape or stay firm in certain dessert recipes.

Ok, well apparently I can only think of 3 things right now...but I know there are more!


todd helmkamp said...

Oreos. I can do generic Chips A'Hoy, but I gotta have the real deal for the O-R-E-O!

Anonymous said...

One of my #1 choices on this is cheese slices. Store brand is just disgusting.

Carma said...

I can do store cheese, but I can't do store Oreos. The cookies are too thick and not chocolaty enough!

Anonymous said...

Parmesean cheese. Gotta be 100% grated (not shredded) Kraft parmesean. Not light, not parm/romano blend, and dear lord, not store brand. And Chef Boyardee MINI ravioli's. There's just no substitute.