I have a friend who is coming home for Thanksgiving and bringing his girlfriend with him. They will be in Auburn for a whole week. I asked him, "You told her there isn't anything to do in Auburn right?" He said he warned her about our lack of entertainment. So what is there to do in Northeast Indiana?
1.) WWII Museum- It's interesting, but if you're not a car or war fan, you could easily pass.
2.) ACD Museum- It is cool to look at old cars, but it's not like you get to drive them around.
3.) Sechler's Pickle Factory- I know the local elementary school kids get to take a tour, but part of me wants to see what it's all about too.
4.) Glenbrook Mall- I guess it's not that impressive to me because that is really the only "mall" I have known.
5.) Satek Winery- I don't drink wine, but it might be cool if you do.
6.) Fremont Outlet Mall- If you ask me, it has steadily gone down hill.
So, what do you suggest he take his girlfriend to see while they are home. I suggested the family dairy farm, but she doesn't strike me as a dairy farm type gal!
Cow tipping! Duh.... :)
Cow tipping is only fun if your family doesn't OWN A DAIRY FARM!! He could always take her snipe hunting!!!
Everyone was giving me a hard time because I want to bring like 10 suitcases worth of clothing, because I of course want to make a good impression. My Dad (having lived in the Indiana)was like,"The Midwesterners are very wholesome practical people, if you really want to impress them milk a cow or churn some butter." So I guess I need to go to the dairy farm and make some stuff out of the milk I get from the cow, so where can I get cow milking lessons?? :)
Christy- Churn butter? I know that Grandpa Phillips is a bit old fashioned, but does she really churn her own butter. Heck, if you find someone to give you a lesson on that, I will gladly go with you. I don't think they will have you milk a cow! It's Auburn, we are very much jeans and a hoodie or sweater type of town!
Not sure if you remember Benaiah, but his parents have a cow and churn their own butter, make their own cheese, etc. I'm sure they'd be happy to give you lessons! :)
I do remember Benaiah. We are thinking of making our own goat cheese and we do milk our own goats, but really, we want her to LIKE Indiana, not be tramatized by our farm animals!
Dude. A whole week in Auburn? Even *I* don't do that anymore. And I certainly wouldn't drag anyone I *liked* along for that long of an endurance test! ;)~
I mean, don't get me wrong. If you have a job and a life there, that's one thing. But as a visitor, about three days, four max, and you've got the place down pat and you're seriously starting to climb walls. And that's when there's something *interesting* going on like ACD Days or the Fair or something! There's only so many times you can find an excuse to "run to Ft. Wayne" before the cost of gas and the tedium of that drive (and the realization that you're still pretty much no where) start to get to you too.
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