Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I hate inconsistencies. I am stuck in my ways, I admit it. Sure, I like the occasional change, but at work we don't have any consistency. It is getting really frustrated.

Yesterday I felt cruddy so I decided to go home early. I took my homework for the state (don't even ask, and no it's not done) with me. I got a phone call from one of our HD workers demanding to know where X was on Thursday. X was at the program. I saw X, I talked to X. I saw X's work on Friday morning. I know X was at the program. I told all of this to my co-worker to which she replied, "Well X's box didn't show X being there." Well, I'm telling ya, one of two things happened: the box's GPS needs to be looked at or X left her box at school and didn't realize it till later that night.

Then, I get up this morning feeling cruddier than yesterday, but knowing that I have a possible phone conference to Branch County Michigan and meetings the rest of the week, I drag myself to work. I get two emails from our office secretary. Apparently I didn't write the correct cause number on Q's drug screen form. I'm telling you, I only have one cause number for Q and that was the one probation gave me. Don't yell at me because it apparently isn't right. I politely sent an email to the secretary telling her that I obtained the number from probation and that I'd check on it this morning.

Then I got another email from the secretary telling me that drug screen results haven't been entered yet. No duh! I don't have the results yet. The urine just went out yesterday and it has to go California, be tested, then I get the results. The last line of the email said, "I just want to know if you are going to do it or not." That got me going. We have gone over this a thousand times. My boss told me that since the results go through the secretary first that she would enter them. She hasn't been, so for my own records I have been entering them in our data base. It's just frustrating. We spent so much time creating Standard Operating Procedures (I call them POS's) and no one uses them. Then I get yelled at/crapped on when I don't do things. Well, in the SOP, it says that someone else is supposed to do it. I do my job and I help other people by doing theirs so why am I always the one who feels like crap?

I am going to bring this up in our meeting next week. I'm going to point blankly ask my boss "Who is supposed to do A, B, C? Every time I ask, you give me a different answer and none of those answers match the SOP's so I want to know now. I am tired to getting yelled at for something I didn't do when it's not my job!"

It seems like one day I really like my job and then the next I'm done. It's really frustrating. I want to talk to my boss about it today but I don't even think he is in today.

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