Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I came into work this morning all motivated and ready to go only to discover that my county email is down and the server I use to do my case management is down as well. So I pouted slightly, but decided to take Herbie out for some food. Herbie is my new work truck and he needed gas. So that wasted all of five minutes. I called and checked on Herbie's title. No luck there yet. I did manage to clean off my desk and find a stapler. I finished planning the after school activities for November and started December as well. I have run out of things to do. Everything that I really need to do, I can't. I called our county tech person and she has no clue what is going on. She said, "I'll call you right back." That was an hour ago. I even managed to compile any activity/lesson plan I have ever created for the after school program and alphabetize them. I even made a table of contents for the binder.

I guess I could go finish unpacking all of my new computers, but then I wouldn't be able to chat with my friends. Hehehe.

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