As many of your know this spring we had some major issues with our sewer line. Fixing it was an ordeal, but we got it done. Thanks to Josh for his help (I can't thank him enough).
Well, since then our yard has looked like crud. Ayron is finally getting around to fixing it today. M came over this morning and I haven't called him since then. I'm afraid that when I get home nothing will have gotten done, but then I know better. M is helping, it will get done. I am excited to finally have our front yard back again. We have such a gorgeous lot and our front yard is an excellent place to play ball, etc. The ditch running through it has made it difficult. Scooter acutally fell into the hole yesterday morning. He was tracking a scent and it was still dark out and the next thing I see is his tail sticking up from the hole!
Hopefully no news from Ayron and M is good news. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and we'll see when I get home at 4:30.
This is a picture of the way it looked when I left this morning. I tried blowing the picture up, but it got grainy. This is how it will hopefully look. Notice how Ayron's legs are really long. Haha.
Well... I hope Ayron got it done. I left after we dropped the dirt. I worked in the morning and was tired. Man... make me feel bad if it doesn't get done. Hehehaha...
Love your artistic rendering, especially of the dog.
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