Wednesday, September 19, 2007

In My Condition

I just got off the phone with a co-worker. We were talking about something and she said, "In you're condition, that's probably the last thing you need." She said it like I was fatal ill. My mom has even begun to freak out. I got a bit of sun yesterday and she was sure I was hot, over heating, getting sun poisoning, something. At the reunion this past weekend I was stepping down from a wall (you just have to know the yard) and someone yelled at me for doing it.

Seriously people, I'm not dying, I'm not fragile, I'm pregnant. Millions of people have gone down this path before me. Thousands of women work in rice patties right up until the head pops out. People work in harsher conditions and do more on a daily basis than I do. I am be cautious, it's not like I'm out sky diving or anything. So please, while some women may want that babying, I don't . I'm not dying and I'm not handicapped. I can still (this could change) do things for myself.

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