I have an ultra sound this afternoon and we are hoping to find out the gender of Taylor so we can start using the proper pronouns. For those of you who have never had an ultra sound, if they see a turtle, it's a boy. A hamburger is a girl. I am only 15 weeks and 5 days and they usually wait until at least 16 weeks, so we are hoping that Taylor cooperates and we can know.
I really don't care either way. I just want a healthy child. I would like to have a boy some where along the line, but I know that Ayron really wants Taylor to be a boy. Ayron is the last Reeves and he wants to carry on the name. I am afraid that he might be slightly disappointed if Taylor is a girl. I just really want to know that everything is ok. I read At First Sight by Nicholas Sparks this week and it freaked me out. If you are pregnant, don't read that book!
I am afraid I'll be disappointed if we get there and they can't tell. That would mean another month of waiting and wondering. We have been using the pronoun "he" when we are at home and once I slipped and said it in front of his family and they got all excited about Taylor being a boy. Once they calmed down I had to explain that we didn't know yet.
I'm also hoping to hear that I've gained weight. Odd, you never hear/read a woman say/write that, but I am. I've lost around 15 maybe 20 pounds so far this pregnancy. Ayron is concerned that I don't eat. I do! I just have been eating healthier. I am much more conscious about what I eat (of course as I write that I see a mini KitKat sitting on my desk and I am seriously thinking about devouring it). I hope I can keep that will power up after Taylor is here. I'd love to get back down to the size I was my freshman year in college (I didn't gain the frosh 20, I lost the frosh 25). Half of that KitKat is gone now.
I just wish I could speed up time and make it 2:45 so that I could know. Pray that all is well. Oh yeah, no more KitKat.
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