Monday, September 10, 2007

For Real??

You have got to be kidding me? Check this out.

This bugs me for a couple of reasons.

1.) Is is that slow of a news day that most of the news stations were reporting on this?!

2.) They sent the burger to the state testing lab? Shouldn't those scientist be oh, well I don't know, trying to solve a murder or something?

3.) They actually put her in jail? Come on? Sure, let those rapists, murders, speeders, etc go, but nope, nope, that McDonalds employee who made a mistake must pay!

4.) Is McDonalds going bankrupt? Are they so stretched for money that they couldn't throw away the salted meat and start fresh?


Anonymous said...

I had to wonder if they didn't suspect the saltiness was due to something a little, uh, oh, I dunno, more "organic," and hence incredibly more disgusting in nature...

Pepper said...

There are just WAY too many things wrong with this that I can't even think of where to begin. Too sad!